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DHMasters EU analyzed by!

DHMasters EU analyzed by!

18.06.2020, 10:2

DreamHack tournaments have always been top events in CS:GO teams calendar. Everyone dreamed of being part of them.

This year, DreamHack Masters Spring, due to the global pandemic, was played online.

After the great game versus G2 Esports, BIG Clan became the champion of the European series.

We decided to analyze every match and find the most interesting data!

GGPredict is a group of CS:GO fans that see the world of eSports from an analytical perspective. Thanks to our experience in data science and programming, we understand the source code of CS:GO and we extract hundreds of thousands of important metrics from each match played that is relevant and crucial for improving players' performance.

We would appreciate all the follows and shares! More analyzes coming soon!

Bartosz Słodownik
Logo of the European startup funding program.